Tuesday, February 12, 2008


It's getting warmer. This week it was almost 70 degrees!! That means that spring time things are starting to happen, and with that comes some tiny feathered friends. The hummingbird feeder hanging on our window is half gone!! Now, normally I would say that the "half empty" mentality is somewhat pessimistic, but in this case I think it is a very exciting thing! We have been frequented by little radiant red and green friends and it probably satisfies some little kid's princess fantasy inside of me, but I believe that I must feel something of what Snow White and Sleeping Beauty felt when they realized they could befriend little woodland creatures. Between the ridiculously loud frogs outside the window and the charming little hummingbirds that come to visit, I'd say I' m well on my way to living in a little cottage in the woods with three bickering fairies or seven very small men.

1 comment:

??? said...

I don't wanna hear about your '70 degrees!!'