Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Resistance Is Futile!!!

It's useless to be angry
It's pointless to try and run
It's counterproductive to blame
It's unfulfilling to remain impenetrable

The white flag has been waved
make me healed and whole

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Easier Said...

Why is it so much easier to be hardened and bitter than it is to be humble and vulnerable?
There are so many things that I don't understand...
But maybe it's because I'm more familiar with not understanding...

...and understanding requires change...

Oh, ignorant one, when will you trade your anger for sorrow?
When will you allow your hardened heart to become fertile ground?
When will you give up this needless and futile battle?
When will fall before your king, and admit your foolishness?
Only then will it be possible to be truly reconciled to the one who knew your form before the dawn of time.

How long until you let your father embrace you...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tilling the Fallow Ground

The three of them sat there.
I couldn't see them clearly through all of the tears
The three of them sat there
and I cried
and they prayed...

It didn't hurt like I expected,
but the most unexpected of all?
I felt loved

I felt loved

For The Love of God Will You Please Mess Up??

I've just been given a formal invitation to "screw it all up". This isn't a joke, or some sarcastic invitation made out of anger or frustration. It is an honest, sincere invitation... no... encouragement, to mess up.
A difficult task for someone whose fatal flaw is perfectionism and fear of failure... Literally fatal.