Thursday, February 28, 2008

It really happens...

I learned about something tonight that I thought only happened in movies. The school I'm going to has a team going to Cambodia this summer to work with an organization that brings people out of sex trades and trafficking. It's shocking. I think that everyone should at least be aware of it. I realized, after reading some of the information about human trafficking, that this is what the children at Wisdom Springs have been taken out of. It seemed so subtle when we were there, but this is far bigger than I ever realized. It's a rude awakening... If you want more info you can get it here.


You've shown me what to believe... Show me how to live...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

In Honor...

Your life with Jesus was beautiful.
I'm sure your eternity with Him will be even better.
Give the Big Guy a high five for me!
We'll miss you, Bill.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Slow Lane

This has got to be among the top 10 ways to spend a Sunday afternoon. Riding along on my 50cc Yamaha Vino, with the motley crew we've got, is better than ice cream! (unless, of course, you are riding with the crew to get ice cream together... that's the best of both worlds) If you think your life is boring, get a scooter. You'll never get bored in the slow lane as long as there are people this great to tootle along with you.

Go here to check out more...

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Values Of Paper vs. Passion

I had the best night. My good friend, Natalie, came and spent some time with me here at school. We went on a walk around the pond, we sat and watched the sun set, we looked at lichens and duck beds and red-winged blackbirds. Then we went to the worship part of a friday evening church service, and then we sat at Starbucks and talked. It was the best time!! We didn't talk about anything specific, but the conversation got me thinking about a lot of things, and it got me asking a lot of questions, but one in particular stands out.
Has higher education taken the place of discipleship in our society?
Think about it...
How did Jesus do discipleship? He had lots of disciples, but there were a core few. Jesus lived with those 12 men for about 3 years before he sent them out to do all that they would do to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth. How many Christians in America today live with people they are discipling, or being discipled by? How may Christians see the people they are discipling more than once a week? How about once a month? How many Christians are discipling nobody?

Now, think about this...

How many years did Jesus and his disciples go to college? What were their degrees in? What was their GPA?

Does it matter?

I think it does matter, and here's why. If you look at the majority of sending missions organizations, you'll see that they have stringent requirements on who can and can't be a missionary. Most places require at least a B.A. or a B.S. and increasingly more places require or at least request graduate work to be sent by them... How many of the disciples would be denied by a modern missions organization. Would Jesus himself even meet the requirements?

This is all very fresh, and not thoroughly thought through, so any feedback is welcome, but it seems to me that a higher education degree has become the qualifyer of a disciple of Christ. Shouldn't it be availability over ability, and shouldn't passion outweigh a piece of paper??
It seems to me that being in the trenches with Jesus and being in desperation for him would be far more qualifying. What ever happened to the value of character, integrity willingness and passion for Christ, and how do we get those back?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Good Words From Pastor Steve

"God is more like a wild lover than a remote philanthropic benefactor..."
Read more

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


It's getting warmer. This week it was almost 70 degrees!! That means that spring time things are starting to happen, and with that comes some tiny feathered friends. The hummingbird feeder hanging on our window is half gone!! Now, normally I would say that the "half empty" mentality is somewhat pessimistic, but in this case I think it is a very exciting thing! We have been frequented by little radiant red and green friends and it probably satisfies some little kid's princess fantasy inside of me, but I believe that I must feel something of what Snow White and Sleeping Beauty felt when they realized they could befriend little woodland creatures. Between the ridiculously loud frogs outside the window and the charming little hummingbirds that come to visit, I'd say I' m well on my way to living in a little cottage in the woods with three bickering fairies or seven very small men.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ho Humm Day...

I don't normally get grouchy, but today is just one of those days. I remember when I used to think that having Jesus meant that I'd never get grouchy again. I guess there's more to following Jesus than being happy all the time, (despite the catchy melody of the inside outside upside downside happy all the time song...) I can't say that I'm disappointed, but I sure hope the grouchies go away quick. In the mean time, I guess I should try to bite my tongue and smile much more often than normal. I'm really glad that Jesus still loves me... and that tomorrow I get to try again....

Monday, February 4, 2008

A King And A Kingdom

Well, nearly a month has gone by since I started school and moved into the dorms. It's been such a different experience. I'm meeting everyone around me, and even having some deep, thought provoking conversations here and there. Although my classes haven't been academically challenging, the experience as a whole has been spiritually challenging. I want so badly to come along side of the spiritual leadership on campus, but in making my availability and willingness known, God had revealed more of my human nature and how it still looks so different from his nature. Even in some of my most well intended moments God showed me that there is still pride and ego. Whether I realize it or not, I still have ideas of what I think things should look like, which actually translates into having my own agenda. I'm still critical... and not just of myself.

Lord, would you change me!!??

Yet, as I'm reminded, ever so lovingly, that I haven't arrived, I hear my father whispering his heart for his people. In the book of John, in Chapter 21, after Jesus has risen, He challenges Peter:

15When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?" "Yes, Lord," he said, "you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my lambs."
16Again Jesus said, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me?" He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep."
17 The third time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my sheep... Then he said to him, "Follow me!"

Even in everything that I've had the opportunity to learn, it all comes down to the simplicity of two things. Love God. Love People. It's so easy to forget that nothing else matters.

School is a blessing, and I'm learning, among other things, that everywhere you go is a spiritual classroom. The Holy Spirit is alive and moving in every breath and in each and every person who calls Jesus, Lord. And to think that all we need to do is take care of his sheep. I pray, Father, show me how.