Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why My Day Was Wonderful : An Ode to Little Joys

I woke up this morning feeling icky. But it was a wonderful day, and here are 10 reasons why:

1. I got to hear two great sermons preached by two awesome men of God. Robin and Dave shared with our class and it reminded me of God's deep deep love for his kids. He's a good Papa who keeps his promises. I cried.
2. I got to eat breakfast! Not everyone does...
3. We're reading The Forgotten Ways in Spiritual Formation in the church. I love the church and I love reading about what people think is happening in the church today.
4. Today was tuesday class lunch with Spiritual Formation and Dr. Griffin. I love Tuesday class lunch!!
5. Natalie is getting a letter in the mail tomorrow
6. on my way back to my room I saw a cute grey squirrel with a super bushy tail. He ran 10 feet to the nearest tree, bolted up it and then flopped down on a wide branch and took a nap. It was so funny!!
7. Before I started work, Natalie, Krystal and I shared a cheese quesedilla and an ice cream sandwich! Then, Kim came to visit.
8. Someone gave me a Scottish 50 pence for my foreign coin box!!!! It's not round!! It's SO COOL!!!
9. I get to go on the women's retreat and the former un-excitement had been replaced with super excitement!!
10. While I was walking home, an airplane that was flying was leaving a white trail and it flew right under the moon. From where I was it looked like it had flown through the moon. I was so amused!! It looked cool.

Now I get to enjoy some rest and doit all over again tomorrow!! I can't wait to see what silly little things are in store!! In store is, work, class, chapel and dinner with the one and only, Megan Ovens!! I can't wait!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


It's been a month.
A very full month.
I finally unpacked and cleaned my room a week and a half ago, and slowly life is leveling out to something more manageable and surprisingly, enjoyable.
So enjoyable, in fact, that I feel like I'm in uncharted waters and that just around the corner lies a revelation of some deep healing or refining work that God wants to do.
As much as I love this place I'm slightly uncomfortable.
I've grown used to hard times of pressing through. I've grown familiar with having my eyes opened, over and over again, to the wretchedness that lies in the depths of my heart.
I've seen my brokenness and experienced the healing touch of a father who desires to forever set me free...
He has set me free from so much.
And now things are enjoyable. Exhilarating even!!
and I feel like I have to learn all over again how to live.
For the first time God is saying things to me like "Whatever you want to do" and "Either way, I know you'll choose well"
We laugh.
I choose,
And he is pleased.
Freedom seemed to cost me so much, but I look back and see that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.