Saturday, November 29, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Creation Restored

I was wondering today what the restoration of creation will be like. This is where pondering led me:

On the day that creation is restored, the grass, the birds, the rivers and oceans, the rocks and the mountains and every tiny bug, every animal from big to small, will shout.
All will cry out "Jesus is Lord!"
And every heart, of every human made in God's glorious image will shout along with all of creation in the most perfect and beautiful harmony any ear has ever heard.
"Jesus is Lord!!"
Only then , when all attention is on The King of Kings, and all hearts declare that "Jesus is the only true Lord" will creation be made right.
We will see her in her fullness of beauty. Shimmering under the deep deep love of the husband who affectionately made her, and all will be made right in the world.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Life and The Words of Mother Teresa

Well the elections are over and my anger over petty political trash talking has subsided... Just wait another four years... I'll be just as fired up, I'm sure.
The semester is coming to a close (quickly, might I add!) and the final push of papers and projects is about to hit. Thank God for Thanksgiving vacation.
In other news, I'm going to see my mom for Christmas! 2 weeks in Tennessee!! WOO!! Maybe I'll go down to Nashville and get discovered!

And now for something more serious: I'm reading Mother Teresa.
I'm on Page 39 and I can barely read through 5 pages without wanting to cry. She was truly amazing. The most amazing thing is, though, that everything was done so simply. Her entire ministry, her life, the impact she made, all of it came from a single personal vow to never withhold anything from God. She made this vow, under pain of mortal sin, to never let a moment pass when she didn't give God everything.

There's been a recurring theme over the past couple weeks, of being faithful in the small things, and reading Mother Teresa's personal writings is only solidifying that. She says,

"To the good God nothing is little because He is so great and we so small - that is why He stoops down and takes the trouble to make those little things for us - to give us a chance to prove our love for Him. Because He makes them, they are very great... Don't look for big things, just do small things with great love... The smaller the thing, the greater must be our love."

I could sit with that little paragraph for a while. I don't think I'll be finishing this book any time soon.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a rant... Nothing more...

So, I realized a few days ago that the election is coming up and I had done NOTHING to prepare myself to make an educated vote on anything... Not a smart move.
So I decided to take some time out of my weekend and brush up on the issues and learn a little bit more about the presidential candidates. It's nice to know what I'll be voting on when Tuesday rolls around, but I'm SO FRUSTRATED!!! Today's time, checking out the candidates had affirmed one thing in me.

All I read is, "vote for me because I'll do this and so-and-so will only do that," or "I'm a better candidate because I care about your needs and so-and-so says he does, but he really doesn't."

The one that takes the cake: One argument claimed that the the person it represented was a better candidate because the opposing candidate voted with his party 97% of the time..." I might be completely ignorant, but this seems like the most ridiculous argument ever...

Why can't we stop trash-talking each other and just get along!!? I don't think Jesus would care which party you are affiliated with... Presidential election year is no excuse to be a jerk...

I'm totally an advocate for voting. go vote, but BE NICE ABOUT IT!!