Thursday, April 8, 2010


This little post serves only one purpose.
I'm gettin' hitched!!!!

August 20th, 2010

I'm a bit excited...

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Ha ha!! I was attempting to be better at the whole blogging thing... Here I am a month later, finally getting to it.
Let me preface the following with this: I know my life isn't hard. I know my life is manageable, and I know that age old saying "this too shall pass."
With that said, I want to walk out back, pull out my hair and kick something... something hard. You know those places where everything feels like it's in between, and nothing feels like it's moving forward? I think I'm in one of those places. It's like nothing seems to move, but I can't keep up. I think that's been the mantra for this semester. I started out behind, but it feels as if I'm going nowhere!
Don't get me wrong, things are good. I have only one year left of school, I'm in love with the most amazing man ever, I have a roof over my head and I can pay my bills. I have a job (Praise the Lord!) and more than just my basic needs are met. What more could I ask for? I'm better of than 80% of the world's population.
One month of school left. Two days until David meets the family. one 20 page research paper, 2 huge presentations, 4 normal sized papers, 1 exam and 4 finals left to go until I'm free for a little while.
Summer's so close I can almost taste it.
... almost...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Another Attempt

It's been such a long time. So long, in fact, that I wonder if it's even worth picking up the whole blog thing again.
One way to find out??
I guess I'll try not to get into many thought this time around. It's like starting over again.
Where does one begin, anyway? After so long...
There are a lot of thoughts bouncing around that I should address soon...
- School
- Theology
- Worship
- A theology of worship
- Marriage
- Community
I bet there's more but some people spend a lifetime talking about just one of these, so I'll leave it at that.
More to come soon...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Boy it's been a while...
I can't remember the last time I wrote something even mildly worth reading...

I've been thinking the past couple weeks about a lot of things. Relationships (and not just the romantic kinds) people, discipleship, education, discipline, worship, priorities...

SO many thoughts, just swimming an swirling.

Most of these thoughts consist of things I'm not doing that I should be, or things I should be better at that I don't do well. Sometimes they consist of things I wish were different... Sometimes of things I hope never change...

In all of it, though, there are a couple themes that seem to commonly reappear. It's as if a voice is saying over and over again, "Keep your eyes on me, keep your priorities straight."

I keep wondering if this all boils down to one thing: Worship.

By worshipping Him, my life will change. By my life changing I will be more like him.

All of this is too much for this time of night, but there are many more thoughts in my brain.

Worship: How do I make it a part of who I am even more so? Not just a part of what I do on Sunday mornings?