Saturday, October 24, 2009

Side Swiped

This week has been bizarre!!
Less than a week ago I was lamenting over homework and now I couldn't care less about it.
I'm doing my homework, by the way...
It never ceases to amaze me how life can change in an instant. I'm so glad I threw the 5 year plan out the window long ago...
I have been completely side swiped this week and it is so wonderful!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


There are about 400 thoughts in my head at this moment that I could write about (I guess that happens when you are an inconsistent blogger... Sean, I'm sorry I gave you such a hard time!) In order to not confuse you with the workings of the labyrinth called my brain I will stick to one: School.
I've never been much of the studious type. I like learning, but I don't like homework. I like the social aspect of school, but again, I don't like homework. I like going to class, just not at 8:00 every day and I like reading... but once again, I really don't like homework.
I understand that it's a great discipline to learn, but really I could do without it... Well... In a perfect world.
You see, I've been battling a terrible case of senioritis. Symptoms: procrastination and avoidance, a serious lack of desire to attend classes, and a "please don't make me read another page" mentality. Not fun...
It all came to a head yesterday morning. I woke up, beat from the weekend, and decided to skip class to spend time with Jesus. Then I spent the entire time asking to help me desire to be a better student. I want to do well, but I don't want to go to school!!
Well, he is a God who answers prayers. I'm not going to go into detail, but he poured out encouragement, blessing, faithfulness, and love on me like I never expected. He reminded me, "this is not just for you, and I have big plans." It was much needed and very good.
Moral of the story - God is a God who hears us, and responds to us.
I still don't want to do my homework, but I've got a renewed perspective on why I go to school. If for no other reason than to bring him glory, I will do it.
I'll try to be better at this whole blogging thing... Just like school...