Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It's nearly Christmas.
There are lights on many houses in my neighborhood
Last night there was snow
A Christmas tree graces the window of our house, and there are cookies everywhere.
It's nearly Christmas... and my friends are losing their baby boy.

He's made his last trip to the hospital, and their family is waiting. They have been battling the cancer for as long as I can remember and this winter the fight will be over.
There is hope mingled with the sadness though. This wonderful couple knows the home their son will be going to and they know that they will meet again, but it doesn't change the fact that this will be the last Christmas with their little one... If he makes it that long.
Please pray for this precious family, and don't forget to cherish every moment and every person this holiday season. We'll never get those moments back.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Current Events

Well, once again the fate of a semester well spent is sealed. I think I did well (fingers crossed at least)
The semester seems like It's been a productive one... But the real productivity, that has no direct influence on my intellectual development that is, is that I've accomplished more in the past three days than ever expected.
sometimes I impress myself!!

1. MOVING!! I even packed everything up instead of trying to carry random objects, one by one, to my new humble abode... My off campus abode, might I add... Off campus, with a hot tub, 2 cute kids, and a few people that I really love. I'm excited.
2. BOOKS!!! Not just any books, but brainless fiction that required little effort! Don't laugh at me, but I started the twilight series and I've already finished the first two books. I'm really enjoying myself. I thought I'd be able to stretch them out over winter break, but if I can get my hand on the last two I'll be done by week's end. Now I just need to decide what other books I'm bringing with Tennessee. Options: Blue Like Jazz, Eugene Peterson, Chronicles of Narnia... The list could go on forever... Suggestions, however, are welcome
3. BEER AND WINE!! This sounds so ridiculous, I know, but I've been waiting for over a year! I thought it'd be longer, so I was fine waiting, and then Simpson's policies changed a bit... and that change was in my favor. Last night natalie went to The Downtown Eatery and shared Chicken Tikkah and Beer Battered sunchokes and She got the house merlot I think and I had a valley of the moon syrah... SO Good. Not to mention the sierra nevada celebration ale currently sitting in the bottom right drawer of the fridge. It's so hearty that we have to share one instead of drinking our own.
4. MOMMA!!!! This one is most exciting!! I get to see my mom day after tomorrow.... Well, I guess it's tomorrow now... Christmas in Tennessee... That'll be a new experience. I'm excited.

I guess that's the basic rundown of life at the present moment... devoid of many details, of course.
God is doing something deeper below the surface... It doesn't have a name yet and I'm alright with that. I'm going to World Mandate too. If that doesn't knock my sicks off I don't know what will.
Anyway, I'm rambling now... It's late.... I stayed up reading.
Time to get snuggly!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


One week, and counting, before the chaos ends.
I'm glad it only happens twice a year.

Here's to sanity!! Maybe after college I'll learn to dance like these folks...

Monday, December 1, 2008


I just lost the paper I've been working on for the past two and half hours. Luckily I printed it out, but it's MIA on the computer.
Oh, the joys of the week before finals.

At least I have "a friend in Jesus" and an entertaining musical rendition to remind me.